?Sono nato a Lokavec, in Slovenia, a 27 chilometri da Gorizia. Imiei genitori, austriaci, nel '18 sono diventati italiani e nel '45 jugoslavi. Mio padre ? morto, soldato a Kiev, avevo sette anni. Mi sono laureato in filosofia a Lubiana, ...
There, Broz is a bon vivant, the good host to world personalities and a simple man on vacation. The permanent exhibition entitled Josip Broz Tito in Brijuni has been on display since 1984, with its orig- inal layout preserved to this day. ...... In 2008, a similar event took place in the village of Lokavec: the guests of honor were Tito's and Jovanka's impersonators; the organizers and some participants were dressed in pioneer uniforms, the items on the menu were Balkan ...